Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

The Kitchen is Clean

The Kitchen is Clean


I have a problem. A rosy-colored-glasses kind of problem.

Example #1: When Brad and I were going through marriage counseling, our Pastor told me that my expectations were unrealistic. He felt that I was expecting a Disney-type knight in shining armor situation. He tried to help me understand that having positive expectations was nice, but that REAL marriage wasn't at all that way. 

Example #2: Any and every time we have moved (a total of 6 times, I believe), I've been 110% SURE I have the entire situation under control. I am typically off base by about 50 boxes, and 3 days. Timing is a big problem in my rosy-colored-glasses world.

Example #3: During this most recent move, I had it in my head that we would be settled in by now. With a move-in date in the beginning of December, there was no reason in my mind that we wouldn't be completely unpacked and used to our new routines by mid-March. (This is the part where you all start laughing hysterically at my serious lapse in judgment.) Two bouts of the stomach flu, a slew of silly, stupid, totally normal, but REALLY annoying, house issues, and all the normal-parts-of-life later, we are still working on feeling truly settled. 

But tonight...tonight I had a revelation. Or saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Or something along those lines.

For the second night in a row, the kitchen is clean.

The dishes are done. The coffee maker is all set for tomorrow morning. The dishwasher is doing its thing. And I am finally feeling like I'm getting a handle on things, for real.

So, I may have unrealistic expectations and lack the ability to estimate the amount of time needed to accomplish my goals, but at least the kitchen is clean.

The kitchen. is. clean.

Mother's Day Reflections

Mother's Day Reflections

Stomach Flu Survival Kit

Stomach Flu Survival Kit